When your plumbing system malfunctions in your Odessa, TX, home, your first instinct might be to call for repairs. However, some properties need a complete plumbing overhaul. Look for these warning signs that your house needs new pipes:
Strange Tastes or Odors
Rusty or corroded pipes produce discolored water with a strange, metallic tang. You might even see particles floating inside your glass. Aged pipes are also more likely to leak and contaminate your water supply, potentially forcing you to resort to bottled water.
Low Water Pressure
Limescale and other minerals may build up inside your plumbing system, especially if you have hard water. Eventually, the diameter shrinks and can make it harder for water to reach your faucet. Your water may sputter instead of flowing normally.
Recurring Clogs
Over time, debris builds up inside your plumbing system. Plumbers can clear your pipes with drain unclogging services, but this won’t resolve a rough, bumpy texture that gets worse as they accumulate more gunk. New pipes provide a smooth, clear airway through which water easily flows.
Age of the Plumbing System
Sometimes, your plumbing system is simply too old to operate efficiently. Depending on the material, pipes last anywhere from 20 to 100 years. Once they reach the end, they could start deteriorating rapidly.
If you have outdated pipes, hiring professionals to repipe your residence will likely save you money in the long run. You won’t have to worry about increasingly frequent repairs as your plumbing system continues to age, and you’ll help boost your property value.
Getting a new set of pipes restores your clean water supply and reduces the number of repairs. Our team includes licensed plumbers who will provide excellent customer service. When you’re ready to upgrade, call (WTR) West Texas Refrigeration to discuss our pipe installation services in Odessa, TX.
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